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120 Seaford Town Service


120 Seaford - Bishopstone - East Blatchington - Seaford
Monday to Friday
No service on Public Holidays or Good Friday.

Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 0853092309531023 11231153
Claremont Road, Kimberley Rd 0857092709571027 11271157
Hawth Hill, Hawth Crescent 0900093010001030 11301200
Bishopstone, Hurdis Rd, Freeland Close0905093510051035 11351205
Clementine Avenue, Churchill Rd 0911094110111041 11411211
Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 0917094710171047 11471217
Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 1323135314231453 155316231653
Claremont Road, Kimberley Rd 1327135714271457 155716271657
Hawth Hill, Hawth Crescent 1330140014301500 160016301700
Bishopstone, Hurdis Rd, Freeland Close1335140514351505 160516351705
Clementine Avenue, Churchill Rd 1341141114411511 161116411711
Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 1347141714471517 161716471717

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120 Seaford - Bishopstone - East Blatchington - Seaford
Saturday Mornings

Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 0853092309531023 1123115312231253
Claremont Road, Kimberley Rd 0857092709571027 1127115712271257
Hawth Hill, Hawth Crescent 0900093010001030 1130120012301300
Bishopstone, Hurdis Rd, Freeland Close0905093510051035 1135120512351305
Clementine Avenue, Churchill Rd 0911094110111041 1141121112411311
Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 0917094710171047 1147121712471317

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Return tickets issued on the 120 by Cuckmere Buses are valid for return on the Saturday Afternoon 120 operated by Compass Travel shown below. Brighton & Hove Adult Saver paper tickets are accepted and issued on service 120.

120 Seaford - Bishopstone - East Blatchington - Seaford
Saturday Afternoons

This Saturday Afternoon service 120 is operated by Compass Travel and funded by East Sussex County Council as part of their RIDER network.

Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 1322142215221622
Claremont Road, Kimberley Rd 1327142715271627
Hawth Hill, Hawth Crescent 1330143015301630
Bishopstone, Hurdis Rd, Freeland Close1335143515351635
Clementine Avenue, Churchill Rd 1341144115411641
Seaford, Pelham Rd (Morrisons) 1348144815481648

You can enlarge the timetable by turning your phone to landscape:  

Timetable from 31 October 2022.

Further information:

Updates 120 timetable 120 route 120 fares Ticketing
£3 single fare: notwithstanding the fares shown in the link above, all single journeys are capped at £3 until 31 December 2025.

Public transport links:

Traveline Compass Travel National Rail Southern Railway

Seaford Town bus service 120 map